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2021-22 School Procedures and Safety Guideline

Carrying Pencil

1.     Every household must print out and sign one copy of the Health Screening Commitment Form.  Please have one child per family bring the signed copy on 9/12 and have it ready as he/she enters the school. Students and family may not enter until they have handed in the form.

2.     Masks are required anytime one is in school. Those who are not wearing masks will be denied entry and asked to leave. If there is a medical reason for not wearing a mask, please bring a signed doctor’s note.

3.     Wei Hwa Chinese School administrators, teachers and volunteers must be fully immunized or show weekly proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within 3 days of the school day.

4.     Parents/guardians will not be allowed to accompany students into the building. The only exceptions are parent/volunteers. Staff will be on hand to direct your child(ren) to his/her class.

5.     For those who have completed registration, please arrive at the school at your designated time (see below) and proceed directly to the classroom. Teachers will distribute the textbooks.

  • 1:45pm –families with last names A-N

  • 1:55pm –families with last names O-Z


6.     For those who have not yet registered, please register online at Wei Hwa Registration Form 21-22and print and sign the Health Screening Commitment Form. Students may then enter their classroom and parent/guardians, please go to the office (L122) at 2:10PM to pay the tuition and registration fee. After payment, students will receive their textbook.

7.     Students registering the day of and those who are auditing classes, please arrive at 2:10pm, hand in your Health Screening Commitment Form and line up outside to be taken into the appropriate class.

8.     In order to maintain social distancing, break time will be split into 3 time slots. Each class will have a designated break area and must stay in that area, with the exception of using the restroom.

  • 2:50-3:00PM –K3, PHK, PN2, PN3, PN6, PHN10

  • 3:00-3:10PM –PH3, PNK, PH2, PHN7, PHS, PDA1

  • 3:10-3:20PM –PH1, PN1, PN4, PN5


9.     The snack table for exchanging coupons for snacks is momentarily paused. Please pack a snack for your child(ren).


10.    Food and beverages are not allowed in the classrooms. Students can eat snacks in their designated break area. Please use hand sanitizer before eating. Masks can be taken off during eating and then promptly placed back on after.


11.    Reward Coupons will remain digital this year.


12.   School ends at 4pm, and classes will have a staggered dismissal.

  • Families with last names A-N please go to Door 1 for pick-up, and

  • families with last names O-Z please go to Door 16 for pick-up. 

Drop-off and pick-up procedures will be more time-consuming this year as we work to control the crowd. We ask parents/guardians to please be patient.



1.     進入校區之前,每個家庭請列印填妥自我健康籂檢同意書並簽名,於9/12日當天,進校前交給學校。

2.     每次進入校區請戴上口罩,未戴口罩,謝絕進入校區。如有因為健康或其他因素無法戴口罩,需出示醫生證明。

3.     學校義工,行政人員與教師必須打完疫苗,或有上課前三天內的COVID-19陰性檢測結果證明。

4.     除行政人員、董事以及義工家長可以進入學校,其他家長不能進入學校.

5.     已經完成註冊繳費的學生,分兩批進入校區後直接進入教室,由教師分發書本。1



6.     未註冊學生,請先上網填寫Wei Hwa Registration Form 21-22,續讀生完成自我健康籂檢同意書簽名後,可先進入教室,家長請於2:10 PM 依序排隊等候辦理。繳費後,學校會將書本送到教室,再交給學生。

7.     新生或有意試聽者,請於完成自我健康籂檢同意書簽名後,2:10 PM開始排隊等候辦理。

8.     為保持學生間的安全距離,課間休息時間分為三個時段,並劃定休息區,各班級只能停留在指定休息區。

               2:50-3:00 PM幼小班、注幼、拼二、拼三、拼六、拼注十

               3:00-3:10 PM注三、拼幼、注二、拼注七、畢業班、成人實用

               3:10-3:20 PM注一、拼一、拼四、拼五

9.     零食兌換區暫停開放,家長請自備零食。

10.    教室內禁止食用飲食、果汁及飲料。如果要吃零食,須在指定休息區。吃零食時,先使用乾洗手,暫時摘下口罩,用畢後再戴上口罩。

11.     本學年仍發行電子Reward Coupon

12.    放學時,姓氏字母A-N開頭,請在1號門接學生,

                           姓氏字母O-Z 開頭,請在16號門接學生。


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